Book "NATACHA – A la recherche de notre fille" by Eric and Sabine de Crombrugghe
On January 1, 2022, Natacha de Crombrugghe, a 28-year-old woman from Brussels, flew to Peru before disappearing three weeks later. For more than ten months, her parents will move heaven and earth to understand what could have happened and bring Natacha back to Belgium.
This poignant story, written day by day by Natacha's mother, Sabine, retraces all the elements of the investigation and the parents' relentless fight to find their daughter.
Book written in French.
Order online from January 17, 2024.
"NATACHA - A la recherche de notre fille" - Eric and Sabine de Crombrugghe, Kennes Editions, 308 p., 17-01-2024.
Price: 24.90 euros. Sold in support of the Natacha-Colca Fund.

Natacha-Colca Fund
In order to perpetuate Natacha's memory, to thank the local population and to develop the links we have forged in the Colca (Peruvian Andes), we have created the Natacha-Colca Fund, within the King Baudouin Foundation.
The money raised will finance projects in the areas of education, health, agriculture, culture and sustainable development. With a little we can do a lot, especially in this very poor region.
Thank you for your generosity,
Eric and Sabine de Crombrugghe
Online: on the King Baudouin Foundation website
Or by bank transfer:
IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC BPOTBEB1)
Communication : +++623/3830/10067+++ or « For the benefit of the Natacha-Colca Fund »
Tax deductible (Benelux) from 40 euros

Natacha de Crombrugghe
Uccle (Belgium), January 20th 1994 - Colca (Peru), January 24th 2022
May the light of Natacha enlighten you and lead you to realize your dreams.
The disappearance of Natacha, her story, our story, has upset the young people who like her have a thirst for freedom, travel, self-realization. The strength of our love made us cross oceans and move mountains to find our daughter. But we were not alone. This long quest and this difficult fight, we have led them all together. Your support, your generosity, your solidarity, your encouragement and your prayers have carried us and given us the courage to go all the way.
We have only one word to say to you from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU.
"Being away from everything brings you closer to the essential".
Eric, Sabine, Michaël, Arnaud and Tanguy de Crombrugghe
Watch the ceremony of tribute to Natacha that took place on 30 November 2022 in Linkebeek (Belgium).